Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Day 120 - Fox Hill Second Grade Fiction Book Talks - Mr. Murphy - Fox Hill Library Media Specialist

In second grade, we’ve been exploring fiction books, and we have just completed our fiction book talks working with Ms. Wood and Ms. Stone. For this project we first went over what fiction is.  We discussed how a work of fiction is a story that an author has created in their imagination, the differences between fiction and non-fiction, and we discussed the elements of fiction including setting, characters, and plot.
After this introductory lesson on fiction, students selected the books they wanted to use for their book talk. Students had free choice in the book they selected, and we worked with the classroom teachers to make sure that the students were selecting a book that was interesting to them and was at their “just right” reading level.
Students then filled out a graphic organizer that broke the story arc into a beginning, a middle, and an end. They also wrote a recommendation and rated the book from one to five stars. The kids loved their choices, as was evident from the many four and five star reviews.
Following their reading and note taking, students started on their book talk projects. They used ChatterPix to bring the illustrations from their books to life, so the characters themselves could tell what happened. Before recording, we even took some time just to explore and practice with ChatterPix so we could all learn what the app could do! Each student also recorded their recommendation at the end. We used Book Creator as a hub to bring all of our elements together as a movie, and finally we exported their movies to the SeeSaw app so that the students could view and like the work of their peers.
Check out some examples below. After hearing about these books there’s no doubt you’ll be persuaded to pick them all up and read them!

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