Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 141 - Animal Habitats and Adaptations - Mrs. Kippenberger - Memorial School Grade 3

Ms. Pavlicek came by to visit the third grade today. 
She did a wonderful job teaching animal habitats and adaptations. 

Students should  be able to tell you why animals live in different habitats, what adaptations help them survive in their habitats, and what all plants and animals need in order to survive. 

Comparing plants in two different habitats

Comparing two different animals skins

Discussing the adaptations for a skunk

Trying on some moose antlers

Looking at the differences in antlers

the mystery habitat box

This student is wearing the necessary items that
she would need in order to survive in the mystery habitat. 

Ollie the Owl

Ollie is an Eastern Barred Owl

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