Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 157 - BHS’s Forensic Science Students Recreate Crime Scenes - Mrs. Graham - BHS Teacher Librarian

BHS’s Forensic Science course taught by Science Teacher Julia Carey examines “the history and the development of forensic science, as well the organization and services of the crime laboratory….Through the examination of physical and trace evidence left behind at a crime scene, the students…think critically, analyze collected data, and solve the crime” (BHS Program of Studies).
As a final project, students developed “Recreation​ ​of​ ​a Crime​ ​Scene” models, which the library has been fortunate to showcase. The assignment allowed students to scrutinize the details “as only a Forensic Scientist would do…[and] learn how…forensic investigations lead to the arrest of a suspect of the crime,” Carey said.
Included with each model is a “Crime Log,” crafted by students following thoughtful research. The log contains the crime scene map, the story of the crime and how it was solved using Forensic Science, the Evidence Log, photos of the crime scene, and answers about the various types of murder. Each scene contains meticulously detailed elements of the crime from fingerprints to murder weapons to blood spatter.
“The crime scene marks show you how it [the investigation] is done, and what it actually looks like,” Rizkhan Muhwezi said of his model.
Overall, the scenes enabled students to review the concepts they had covered throughout the course, including fingerprinting, types of injuries leading to death, crime scene mapping, photography, etc.
“It was cool taking what we learned from the class about evidence and applying it,” Erin Mackey said.
Gina Anastasiades echoed Mackey’s commenting, insisting, “it was fun to do something hands-on and creative to show what we learned.”

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