Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 167 - The American Revolution Comes to Life with Chatter Pix - Fox Hill Grade 3

This post first appeared on the BPS EdTech Blog

Ms. Saia’s third-grade social studies students recently conducted research about famous Patriots from the American Revolution including John Hancock, Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin and more. Through their research, students learned about their Patriot’s childhood, the contributions they made to our country which made them famous, and other interesting facts. In addition to their written research, Ms. Saia had her students create portraits of their famous Patriots. Students used crayons, markers, and colored pencils to make their portraits and their amazing finished products are proudly displayed outside of Ms. Saia’s classroom door.

Ms. Saia was so impressed by her students’ drawings, she decided to add a digital component to this unit. Specifically, Ms. Saia wanted her students to bring the portraits to life using Chatter Pix and compile their research in a book using Book Creator. The digital component of this unit allowed students to gain additional practice with keyboarding, oral reading fluency, and digital design principles. I was able to co-teach with Ms. Saia on this unit and coach students through the “app smashing” process which combined Chatter Pix and Book Creator. Taking this project to a digital level gave students the opportunity to share their voice with a larger, authentic audience, exercise their creativity in the design process, and demonstrate their competency in using technology. The finished Book Creator projects, featuring their Chatter Pix, were shared with parents through Seesaw. Below are several examples of students’ finished Book Creator projects and we hope you enjoy viewing them as much as we did!

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