Monday, February 26, 2018

Day 104 - Keyboards! - Ms. Small - Pine Glen Teacher-Librarian

Even though I’m an Apple girl (I love and use all Apple products), as an educator, I generally prefer students to have Chromebooks rather than iPads because Chromebooks have keyboards. I want students to have access to keyboards so they can type more quickly, easily, and accurately. Just like with cycle of reading, the more students write, the more they enjoy to write, the better writers they become... Burlington Public Schools just got 1-to-1 keyboards for 3-5th graders to complement their 1-to-1 iPads. I’m thrilled that we now have the best of both worlds.

One of the things I miss most about being a classroom teacher is holding writing workshops with my students. I’m using the writing workshop in grades 3-5 for the next couple of months to help students learn to use their keyboards well. I’m really stoked about this.

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