Thursday, May 11, 2017

Day 150 - Giving A Hoot About Informative Writing - Ms. Farmer - Francis Wyman Grade 1

Room 111 recently completed its unit on Informative Writing.  After much researching and writing, the class each wrote and published their own book on Owls.

Learning about Parts and Function
The goal of the unit was for the children to learn about the parts and functions of animals.  Each class chose an animal on which to do a report.  We picked the owl and Ms. Pavlicek even brought her own Edison the Owl in for us to meet!

We began by sorting small plastic animals by their attributes.  We then wrote how some animals were the same as others and chose an animal to draw and label its parts.

Then we made "Me-maps" by drawing and labeling ourselves.

Next we created a R.A.N. chart, listing all the facts that we thought we knew about owls -- before our unit of study.

Ms. Pavlicek brought in Edison the Owl
to meet the class!

Sketch to Stretch
We then listened to fact books about owls and sketched pictures to help us remember pertinent facts.  We then took our sketches and wrote a few sentences to go with what we had drawn.


We continued our research by reading books, looking at posters and watching educational videos about owls.  We wrote more facts into our research notebooks.  We even entered our sketch-to-stretch facts into our research notebooks.

Adding photos to our writing.
After writing a "sloppy copy" or first draft, we made a book on the BookCreator app by typing in our words and researching photos on the Photos for Class app.

Time to Celebrate!
Lastly we celebrated by listening and commenting on each other's books.

We all learned so much about owls and about informative writing!  For many of us, owls became our favorite bird of prey.  Ask your child about owls. You'll be surprised at what they know!

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